At Southgate Primary School, our children will be competent readers, able to understand the author's intent. They will be able to read and re-read high quality texts, chosen specifically to expand and deepen their vocabulary. As the children progress through their reading journey will begin to learn other skills such as inference and scanning and skimming. They will be able to discuss information and link to real life experiences. We believe reading is the key to opportunities offered to children in later life and our aim is for all children at Southgate to make outstanding progress from their starting point.
We recognise the important of reading across the curriculum and prioritise the teaching of explicit comprehension skills. As a school, we follow the CUSP Reading Curriculum. These lessons are completed daily for 45 minutes (in addition to daily teacher lead story time).These lessons use high quality texts and extracts, of varying genres, to teach comprehension skills, with the teacher reading the text as a class reader, for pleasure. Through this curriculum, each child will have had a suite of core texts that will form their depth study for the academic year. These texts have been mapped carefully to ensure a breadth of experiences, authors, texts and themes is addressed.
Every whole class reading lesson will incorporate an opportunity for children to practise their reading fluency. We use strategies such as, echo reading, choral reading, speed reading, text marking and jump in.
To ensure inclusive practice for all children is embedded we implement the following:
Children are often sat in mixed ability pairs and encouraged to discuss answers
Have adult support
Have pre-read the texts or in situations where longer texts are overwhelming, extracts of this same text are provided
Teacher models with high quality answers
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Reading Progression Table |
Whole Class Reading Texts |